Sunday, February 3, 2008

Cardboard Hut

My kids are pretty creative! We had some left over cardboard so we gave them some crayons and told them to go for it. They colored on it for a while and then decided to make it into a house. They had so much fun and were busy for an hour. Conner loved being inside and helping olivia and Porter color.


Anonymous said...

I cannot believe how big Porter is! They are sooo cute! We miss seeing you guys every now and least at walmart. ;)

Lewyville said...

My kids love it when we have extra boxes around for them to create with. For Maggie's birthday we bought her a kitchen. Jack asked me if we were going to keep it and if he could play with it. I told him it would be Maggie's kitchen but I am sure she would share. Then he told me he didn't care about the kitchen, he wanted the huge box it came in!

Mike and Debbie said...

So cute! Creative kiddies!

The Wright's said...

Your kids are so cute and getting so big. I am excited to be able to keep up with what you and your family are doing.

Jess's Journey to the Land Of Skinny said...

We really need to get together and catch up on everything! After we get moved in and things are less crazy, if that will ever happen, we will set up a time. Love your kids and they are getting so grown up! Put some pictures of you on here!!

Libby said...

Mary your kids are so cute! I'm glad you are doing so well. Hopefully I will get to start seeing you again soon. I start back to work on Friday!

Chelsea Johnson said...

You are such a wonderful mom and you help your kids be so creative and have fun! They are total cuties! I love the pics on the side, are those the ones from Kelli?

Me said...

I love to hear about all the fun things you help your kids do! You are such a good mom.