Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Conner Turns 2 !
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10:48 PM
We Have An Announcement!
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10:39 PM
St. George Marathon
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10:32 PM
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10:22 PM
Monday, October 13, 2008
Mary's BIG 33rd Birthday!
Rod planned a great birthday for me this year! He took me out to lunch at the Painted Pony and then planned a party for me that night at Troy's BBQ with the whole family.
He even arranged baby sitters for lunch and ordered me my favorite pie from Crowshaw's for my cake. That is definitely the way to celebrate, not having to do any planning myself. Troy is a friend of ours and had his restaurant decorated and even provided birthday hats for the kids and a crown for me to wear because I am the princess!
Of course you always have help blowing out your candles whether you want it or not.
Thanks for the great birthday to Rod and all my wonderful friends, neighbors and family that made it a memorable birthday!
Posted by
9:54 AM
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Olivia is in the Nutcracker
Every year where Olivia takes dance they do a production of the nutcracker. My mom and I have been taking her and she has been very excited about being tall enough to try out. This year we decided would be a good year because we would be in town and be able to commit to the time it takes and she is also tall enough. We had her prepared for tryouts and told her to just do what Miss Sheila asked her to do the best that she could. She knew that there were a lot of kids and she may not make it but to try her best and have fun. She had a good time and found out that she made the part in the Mother Hubbard children. We were so excited for her and she is having fun at the rehearsals and can't wait for performances.
Posted by
10:14 AM
End of Summer Tradition
We decided to start a new tradition this year. The last day of summer, that is before school starts, we are going to sleep outside on the trampoline and then go out to breakfast in the morning. It took a bit of convincing to get Porter to stay outside with us but in the end he was braver than his dad and stayed with Olivia and I. It was a ton of fun. The kids thought it was great!
This is Olivia on her first day of 2nd grade! She is such a big girl. She rides her bike to school with some friends. It is about 1 mile to get to school and 1 mile back. It has been really hot but she is toughing it out and is being a trooper about it. She has Mrs. Ivey as her teacher this year (we just found out that she has cancer and has to leave for an undetermined amount of time, olivia has been very thoughtful of her since she found out. The new substitute is one of her class members mothers and it seems to have been moving along smoothly)and has been doing very well. So far she has gotten 100% on all her weekly spelling tests. We are very proud of her independant spirit and her will to be good!
Porter started kindergarten. WOW!! He is so excited. He knows some of the kids in his class but is very excited to meet new friends. His teacher is Miss White who happens to know rod's sister and she has been great with the kids. Porter's assessments that they do at the beginning of ther year were fun to get back because he did so well. He knows all his letters, lower case and capitol, and all his letter sounds. He also can count to 100 easily so all they really had to say was that he was doing great and set some reading goals. He has had homework to do and has started his level reading. His study skills are different from olivia's but he has learned that we get it done after school then he can play. He is doing great and we are proud of him.
Posted by
9:12 AM