Friday, May 2, 2008

Olivia's Meet the Masters

Olivia's school does a bunch of assemblies about different artist each year. They learn about their style of art and then create their own version. At the end of the year they pick one of their favorites from their portfolio and display it for the parents to come see. Olivia is such a great artist. She always has been. It is fun to see her grow and experiment with different styles. She gets that talent from her dad.


Mike and Debbie said...

I am impressed, little miss! Such talent!

Anonymous said...

What a girl! That is awesome Olivia!!! I love Conner's obsession with shoes. McKelle used to put her's on (wrong feet I might add) and then put mine on! So fun! Congrats on the 5K...that is my first ultimate is a 10K. I have little to no desire to run a marathon. My friend just ran the Boston Marathon....! You're crazy! But in a good way! ;)

Jeff and Jenni said...

Mary, I can't believe how big your kids are getting. Olivia is such a doll, I remember when you brought her into work because she swallowed a penny :)

Jess's Journey to the Land Of Skinny said...

Wow it has been too long since I checked your blog out. You are always doing so much fun stuff! Again I need to live by you. Reading about you running the Run 4 Kids race brought back memoires of when we ran it together and it rained the whole time! Super excited for you to run the marathon and I really hope we get to run alot together! Olivia, great job on the art work and the science fair, you are so creative! Your boys are very brave to touch the toad. I don't think I would do it with gloves on! Loved working that one hour with you. It was worth working all night to hang out with you for a moment! I will call you soon!!!

Kourtney said...

Impressive! You are such a great mom!

Libby said...

Mary, you've been a posting fool and I am suddenly so behind on your blog!

I never put together until now that you and Jess both have Conners. Such cute boys. And your little Conner does look so cute in his hat and his silver vest. What a crack up!

Way to go on running the 5k. YOu are crazy to sign up for a marathon. But to each his own...I am a wuss!

Chelsea Johnson said...

You have done a lot of updates since I checked! Olivia sounds like a very bright girl, and you must be very proud of her! I was always horrible at art! Connor looks great in his outfit and hat, I love dressing Jack in hats--they're so cute! I would've died if I touched the frog! You're a lot braver than me!

The Wright's said...

Your kids are so cute and they are getting so big. I am putting together a blog for the MHS Class of 94 so when I get it done I will let you know. I still consider you one of ours. :) Let me know if you are coming to town for Memorial Day. I would love to see you.